Script Paradigm



Option Explicit
MsgBox fnGetCharType("あ")
MsgBox fnGetCharType("ア")
MsgBox fnGetCharType("A")
Function fnGetCharType(strChar)
    Dim strCharCode
    Dim strType
    fnGetCharType = "****"
    If strChar = "" Then
        Exit Function
    End If
    strType = ""
    strCharCode = Right("0000" & HEX(Asc(strChar)),4)
    If     strCharCode <= "001F" Then '制御文字
        strType = "CTRL"
    ElseIf strCharCode <= "002F" Then '半角特殊文字
        strType = "1SPC"
    ElseIf strCharCode <= "0039" Then '半角数値
        strType = "1NUM"
    ElseIf strCharCode <= "0040" Then '半角特殊文字2
        strType = "1SPC"
    ElseIf strCharCode <= "005A" Then '半角英語
        strType = "1ALP"
    ElseIf strCharCode <= "0060" Then '半角特殊文字3
        strType = "1SPC"
    ElseIf strCharCode <= "007A" Then '半角英語
        strType = "1ALP"
    ElseIf strCharCode <= "007E" Then '半角特殊文字4
        strType = "1SPC"
    ElseIf strCharCode <= "007F" Then '制御文字2
        strType = "CTRL"
    ElseIf strCharCode <= "00A5" Then '半角特殊文字5
        strType = "1SPC"
    ElseIf strCharCode <= "00DF" Then '半角カタカナ
        strType = "1KTA"
    ElseIf strCharCode <= "00FF" Then '半角特殊文字6
        strType = "1SPC"
    ElseIf strCharCode >= "8140" And strCharCode <= "81FC" Then '全角記号
        strType = "2SPC"
    ElseIf strCharCode >= "824F" And strCharCode <= "8258" Then '全角数字
        strType = "2NUM"
    ElseIf strCharCode >= "8260" And strCharCode <= "829A" Then '全角英語
        strType = "2ALP"
    ElseIf strCharCode >= "829F" And strCharCode <= "82F1" Then '全角ひらがな
        strType = "2HRA"
    ElseIf strCharCode >= "8340" And strCharCode <= "8396" Then '全角カタカナ
        strType = "2KTA"
    ElseIf strCharCode >= "839F" And strCharCode <= "83D5" Then '全角ギリシャ
        strType = "2GRE"
    ElseIf strCharCode >= "8440" And strCharCode <= "8491" Then '全角ロシア
        strType = "2RUS"
    ElseIf strCharCode >= "84AF" And strCharCode <= "879C" Then '全角特殊文字
        strType = "2SPC"
    ElseIf strCharCode >= "889F" And strCharCode <= "9872" Then '第1水準漢字
        strType = "2KNJ"
    ElseIf strCharCode >= "989F" And strCharCode <= "EAA4" Then '第2水準漢字
        strType = "2KNJ"
    ElseIf strCharCode >= "ED40" And strCharCode <= "EEFC" Then 'NEC選定IBM拡張文字
        strType = "2KNJ"
    ElseIf strCharCode >= "FA40" And strCharCode <= "FC4B" Then 'IBM拡張文字
        strType = "2KNJ"
    ElseIf strCharCode >= "****" And strCharCode <= "****" Then '
        strType = "****"
    End If
    fnGetCharType = strType
End Function
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